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What’s This Thing Called Cloud Infrastructure Security?

Must Read

As new technologies emerge, so do unknown risks. In the rapidly developing tech world, we must view cloud infrastructure security as one of the crucial responsibilities. In a nutshell, cloud infrastructure security refers to the entire infrastructure of cloud computing. It involves a broad set of applications, policies, and technologies.

As companies are increasingly moving their data to the cloud, malicious attackers are more interested in acquiring them. From personal information of customers and users to company-critical data that may threaten a firm’s very existence.

There have been hundreds of breaches in 2020 alone, and some of them include the following:

  • Nintendo Data Breach, when cyber criminals attacked the company’s cloud infrastructure and compromised 160,000 accounts. Due to this attack, Nintendo disabled users from logging-in using their Nintendo Network ID.
  • Hotel chain Marriott security breach, when attackers impacted data from more than 5,2 million guest hotels who used the loyalty application.
  • The Zoom credentials hack took place in April 2020, when attackers stole more than 500,000 Zoom passwords. Additionally, they were made available on the dark web crime markets.
  • The Twitter data breach, when many high-profile pages shared a Tweet: “I’m giving back to the community. All bitcoin sent to the address below will be sent back doubled! If you send $1000, I will send back $2000. Only doing this for 30 minutes.” The Tweet reached more than 350 million people, resulting in the recovery of £86,800 in stolen donations within hours.
  • EasyJet security breach resulted in stealing 9 million data records and 2,200 credit card information of their customers.

All these breaches taught us one of several things. That a fallible cloud infrastructure security will either make or break a company. Usually, it’s the latter.

The Benefits of Cloud Infrastructure Security

To protect your company, look for private cloud computing service providers. They are the rare ones who will be accountable to you and who will provide state-of-the-art security.

Still, there are a few things that the cloud computing service of your choosing should be able to offer. For instance, the cloud security company should know how to reduce the attempts of DDoS attacks. Furthermore, they must have an idea of how to provide advanced threat protection services.

cloud infrastructure security
Source: Pixabay

The service you pick should know how to detect dangers and use endpoint scanning techniques. Last but not least, they have to work under complaint regulations to protect data. That kind of cloud computing infrastructure contributes to maintaining and managing the safety features of cloud storage.

So, before you start working with any company to ensure your cloud infrastructure security, bear these points in mind.

The Most Advanced Cloud Computing Services

Speaking of companies, we picked out nine cloud computing service providers. These will benefit your cloud infrastructure security amazingly.

  • Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services.
  • Kamatera Cloud allows you to create servers and more in less than 60 seconds. Additionally, they offer unlimited scale-up and scale-out, a simple management console and API, and premium human support 24/7.
  • Linode prides itself on cutting your cloud bills in half. They deploy more with their Linux virtual machines, global infrastructure, and straightforward pricing. There are no surprise bills, no lock-in, and the same price across every data center.
  • Cloudways focuses on your business and avoids all the web hosting hassles. Their managed hosting guarantees unmatched performance, reliability, and choice with 24/7 support.
  • Serverspace gives you the fastest, secure, and fault-tolerant cloud computing on-demand solution that they deploy in 40 seconds.
  • Cisco Private Cloud works with networking and data centers and in the field of collaboration and security.
  • IBM Private Cloud is a cloud computing environment dedicated to a single customer. It combines many of the benefits of cloud computing with the security and control of on-premises IT infrastructure.
  • Azure Cloud Services by Microsoft. Platform as a service (PaaS) technology engineered to deploy web and cloud applications that are scalable, reliable, and inexpensive to operate.
  • Red Hat. On their website, they say they use transformative technologies to create new business models, ecosystems, and revenue streams.

All these private providers claim to satisfy all the needs of their future or current customers. However, how do you know you can trust them? Well, you don’t, at least until some data breach occurs, and somebody holds them accountable.

How to Prevent Attacks on Your Cloud Infrastructure

Since 20 percent of enterprises spend more than USD12 million yearly on public clouds, it’s clear that this is a lucrative business. Therefore, protecting your company’s cloud infrastructure becomes paramount. Certain cloud security breaches can impact an organization drastically, resulting in millions of dollars in damage.

To prevent future attacks on your cloud infrastructure, here are six measures you can take:

  1. Secure a data backup plan.
  2. Educate your employees and managers.
  3. Find out who has access to your data and establish who is doing what and what they are accessing.
  4. Put bulletproof passwords in place.
  5. Remember that cloud encryption is critical for protection.
  6. Use penetration testing, an IT security practice that specialists created to address vulnerabilities and minimize cloud security threats.

We put the six steps in this order because we ranked them according to importance. Of course, you can shuffle them around and develop the best course of action for your company.

We don’t care about that. All we are concerned with is for cloud infrastructure security to become your priority.

The Main Take-Aways

A few years ago, companies had to rely solely on onsite servers as the only infrastructure hosting option. However, today’s firms have a variety of choices, such as cloud infrastructures.

Most proficient companies are looking for a few critical features when picking their cloud platform. They require stability, control, customization, availability, and high levels of security. Apart from that, pricing may also play a role.

Anyway, we recommend that you go through our list of selected cloud computing services and take your pick. After that, consider the main features a cloud computing company should have. Thirdly, read about the 7 Security Tactics That Make a Difference. You can thank us later.

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