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Workforce Risks – Basics and Avoidance Tactics

Must Read

All jobs carry certain risks. Yes, even working as a statistician or an accountant. No job is spared. However, when it comes to executive protection, a lot more is at stake—for example, human lives. It’s for this reason that workforce risks bear such importance. Experts define workforce risks as any workforce-related issues that pose a threat to delivering business outcomes.

When an EP agent lacks critical skills to complete tasks, then people get hurt. Many industry specialists say they can’t stand former fans turned EP rookies. They claim that these individuals just don’t have the know-how to be part of the executive protection business. And that’s not far from the truth.

Specializing in a field such as EP is more consequential than most other professions. Although with a generous salary, the risks on the job are colossal. The working conditions range from high-risk to higher risk because there is no such thing as a low-risk EP position. Or is there?

Still, that isn’t the only thing bugging the executive protection industry. For instance, many outstanding EP companies have a tough time keeping their employees. The reason being that there isn’t enough room for improvement or promotions. People who have been part of the industry for years remain on the top. Newcomers rarely make it to the forefront of the profession. That doesn’t seem to be fair.

Needless to say, all employees, whether in EP or elsewhere, need the following:

  • Promotion opportunities,
  • Companies that provide value to their workforce,
  • A claims management program,
  • Exceptional training.

With these four aspects are in place, executive protection agents and other individuals will think twice before leaving.

Mitigating Workforce Risks

Although having an executive protection plan could do wonders for your work, it’s only part of the puzzle. To mitigate workforce risks and hazards, you need to do more than just plan well. Although you have to do the planning as well.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there have been nearly three million nonfatal injuries in 2014. Additionally, there were an additional 4,679 fatal injures in workplaces. This number doesn’t include other countries. Talk about risk and hazards, eh?

Hopefully, we have established by now that workforce risks are a reality. So what do we do about it? Well, here on EP Wired, we try to be as actionable as possible. We provide you with concrete steps to take to bring your abilities to the next level.

So what are the tangible actions you can take to mitigate workforce risks in your daily life?

Detailed Actions

Deal with hazards as quickly as you can. Never allow them to become an obstacle to doing your job correctly. As soon as a tiny hazard or risk arises, including slippery floors, deal with it immediately.

Most of these are preventable dangers, so why not prevent them if you can?

Drafting an effective protocol for reporting and dealing with hazards is essential. If you want to take it up a notch, introduce apps for mobile devices. By doing so, you allow employees to notify the relevant departments swiftly. Remember that speed is of the essence in preventing workforce risks.

Ensure all employees know health and safety policies by heart. Okay, not necessarily by heart but at least to a certain degree. Each job has specific characteristics that relate to workplace safety policies differently. Conduct regular training so that your employees avoid missing out on particular regulations. You don’t need to perform these every week but make sure you don’t neglect this aspect altogether.

Those who did neglect it are now paying millions in injury claims.

Source: Florida Investigations

To elevate your game, you can even try out a mobile emergency management app. It could just be the next best thing in your company.

Last but not least, work on equipping employees for health and safety. In other words, make sure your workforce has all the tools to deal with job tasks. Concerning executive protection, failure to secure funds for a home security system or advance work essentials could prove fatal.

Heck, why not consider introducing a security operations center. That kind of equipment comes in handy, especially when facing online risks that could endanger physical safety.

What About Being Comfortable?

Comfortableness isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when we think of executive protection. Perhaps EP agents make others feel at ease, comfortable, and calm, but what about them? The long hours, the fact of having to stand for large chunks of time, poor eating habits. You name it.

All of this can lead to health and safety threats. No workforce is satisfied with such working conditions. That’s why employers’ primary task is to dedicate entire programs to make their employees feel and be better.

However, have you ever stopped to consider the psychological factors that impact workforce risks? We bet you haven’t!

  • Low reward and recognition,
  • Poor support,
  • Low job control,
  • Poor workplace relationships,
  • Low role clarity,
  • Poor environmental conditions,
  • Violent or traumatic events,
  • Poor organizational change management, and
  • Inadequate organizational justice.

In the end, ask yourself, what is your company doing to mitigate health and safety risks? Is the workforce protected, in the physical and psychological sense?

What risks are your fellow employees facing? But most importantly, how will you keep them working for you in the long run?

Responding to these questions is hard but having at least some of the answers is invaluable.

Conclusion on Workforce Risks

You can now pride yourself on having a better understanding of workforce risks. Now you know how to combat them and protect employees. What else is there?

Well, not much really, but still don’t forget to put into practice everything you learned so far. Here are the main take-aways that you can promptly implement in your company:

  • Consider the implications of inadequate rewarding and promotion systems,
  • Recognize traumatic and violent events employees could face,
  • Design your internal communication strategies and emergency response techniques,
  • Upgrade your systems with state-of-the-art gear and tools to make your employees’ lives easier,
  • Draft protocols and health and safety policies,
  • Mitigate all risks you can get your hands on.

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