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A Short List of Celebrities Who Have Armed Bodyguards

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When people think of bodyguards, they usually imagine somebody with a firearm in a holster. They also think of a person who rarely smiles, is routinely severe, and wears some combination of a black tux and sunglasses. However, that’s not always the case. In fact, we’ll present you with a list of celebrities who have armed bodyguards that don’t fit the convention.

Some well-respected EP movies portray protectors as enjoying themselves in the luscious lifestyle of their protectees. As much as we’d like that to be accurate, it’s far from the truth. Even though they are close to it all, EP agents don’t get to bask in the sweet luxury of principals.

Besides, some protectors claim that it’s influencing them to buy expensive stuff without good reason.

In real life, professional bodyguards and agents rarely hang out with their protectees. They aren’t exactly pals, you know? Okay, except when they marry their bodyguards.

We’ve often heard industry leaders complain about their horrible diets—the protectors, not the principals. The endless chase to provide high-quality protection and have at least a meal a day, it’s all contributing to this dire situation.

Why would professionals ever want to put an additional strain on their workload? Why try to be friends with the protectee? After all, they have a lot on their plates. Like, protecting the very lives of the clients, their staff, and family.

Sounds important, right? Staying alive and stuff.

Who Are Armed Bodyguards For?

The short answer to this question would be everybody who thinks they are in danger. If your life is in jeopardy while traveling or finding yourself in a public setting, then the answer is a solid yes. You need a team of executive protection agents to preserve your peace of mind.

If in doubt, here’s a short list of the types of people who need to hire professional security immediately:

  • Business executive and CEOs,
  • Remarkably wealthy individuals,
  • Targets of media attention,
  • Celebrities and entertainers,
  • International travelers, and
  • People involved in divorces or domestic disputes.

Each of these categories bears a certain level of risk. For this reason, their bodyguards might have to take a gun with them.

And don’t get us wrong. We aren’t against EP agents using firearms while completing their tasks. Instead, we suggest not using them the next time a fan tries to take a celebrity’s autograph.

Pro tip: Use your guns mindfully. Don’t show them off every chance you get.

If you recognized yourself in any of the six groups mentioned above, then get yourself some decent protection. You can thank us later.

Now that we got that out the way, let’s explore some atypical bodyguards.

List of Celebrities Who Have Armed Bodyguards and Why

In a previous article, we examined what inconspicuous professionals wear and which gear they use in public. Since clothing and tech play a spectacularly vital role in EP, is there something agents can do not to look intrusive? There sure is, and we explained it here.

list of celebrities who have armed bodyguards
Source: Bangla Tribune

So, in a nutshell, why would people ever want to have armed bodyguards? Are they any different from unarmed protection? Well, we’ll give you a brief overview of some of the benefits of armed bodyguards:

  • A visual deterrent that makes criminals think twice before they strike.
  • Peace of mind for the protectee, their family, and staff.
  • Higher perceived and real sense of security.
  • Quick response time to illegal actions.
  • Extensive background check of armed bodyguards.

It is for all these reasons that we understand why armed bodyguards are sometimes essential. Yes, we aren’t saying that advance work and planning aren’t as critical. Bodyguards should surely use these preventative tactics to restrict their own gun use.

Top 3 Celebrities and Their Proverbial Guns

As for celebrities who have armed bodyguards, here are some we’ve chosen for you to analyze:

  1. Angelina Jolie has a very tight protection detail. In fact, so tight that we had to write an article with her in mind. According to rumors, her tripartite security team’s costs exceed USD 2 million.
  2. Jennifer Lopez’s bodyguard looks harmless, but we bet nobody would want to mess with him. Since J. Lo’s insured for USD27,000,000, she has that many reasons to keep herself safe.
  3. Kylie Jenner has a bodyguard that would cause many to faint. And we don’t blame them. He looks super good-looking. Still, ill-intended folks would say that he isn’t your typical super-hot-bodyguard type. We’ll leave you to decide for yourself if that’s an exaggeration or not.

All of the celebrities we’ve mentioned on our top list attract vast media attention. If you think they are oversensitive and there is little reason to have bodyguards, well… you are wrong. Yep, we said it. You are plain wrong about this.

Are Celebrities Overly Sensitive?

Beyoncé and Jay-Z were under attack by their fans multiple times. That’s why they surrounded themselves with 500 bodyguards during their On the Run world tour. It sounds baffling, but at one point, they had 500 heavily trained staff shielding them and their daughter 24/7.

During less stressful days, one of the world’s most famous bodyguards, Julius DeBoer, and two more personnel make sure they feel safe and sound.

Furthermore, among the most atypical in her relationship with bodyguards is Rihanna. It’s not that her protective team doesn’t mean business, but just that they sometimes offer her a piggyback ride.

Pro tip: Having an armed bodyguard who looks like he’s an NFL lineman may not always do the trick in deterring potential attackers. Sometimes, or even most of the time, it’s better to have an average-sized man or woman who can blend into their surroundings. Remember, EP agents and bodyguards shouldn’t attract too much attention.

Wrapping Up

Nowadays, having armed bodyguards is as important as taking your morning coffee. Okay, we might be exaggerating here a bit but hear us out.

As we’ve established that there is an ongoing gun crime surge, the importance of armed bodyguards is as pressing as ever. You need firearms, advance work, and professional agents to make your business more productive and life more comfortable.

When you start thinking of all the star-crazed fans, criminals, and terrorists out there, having armed bodyguards starts to make more sense.

And if you’re one of those EP professionals who nerd out on gun rights, here’s our latest article to challenge or reinforce your beliefs. Spoiler alert: You won’t know what hit you.

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