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Hector Robles

How to Avoid a Virtual Kidnapping Scam

Here is some guidance to help you determine the authenticity of a kidnapper’s call and respond appropriately to a virtual kidnapping scam. “If you want to see your Clare again, don’t hang up,” says the voice on the other end...

The Importance of Security in Nearshoring Operations in Mexico

Nearshoring operations in Mexico can offer many benefits to businesses, including lower costs, shorter delivery times, and proximity to the US market. However, security can be a concern in Mexico, and it is important to take measures to ensure...

Here’s How to Prepare for a Medical Crisis While Traveling Overseas

When preparing for an international business trip, executives rarely think about the possibility of ending up in hospital. Nonetheless, for the thousands of Americans that find themselves far from home and in need of medical care as result of...

Ways LGBTQIA Business Travelers Can Protect Themselves Overseas

While we’d like to think of the world as tolerant and accepting, in reality, traveling overseas for business involves a certain degree of risk for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) executives. In fact, there are a...

Are You a Soft Target? Here’s How to Find Out 

Whether at home, work, or play, it's easy for a busy executive to remain blind to all manner of risks and threats. Yet, just because you don't see a threat doesn't mean it's not there. Security professionals refer to...

Why Clients Sometimes Prefer Female Executive Protection Officers

Is the woman that just exited the restaurant with a well-known business executive — a personal friend, the children's nanny, or an administrative assistant? You might be surprised to learn that many females in the company of businessmen and VIPs...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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