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Corporate EP programs

360 Site Advance Planning for Executive Protection

If you're in this industry, your site advance game should be strong. Proper application of the advance model identifies you as a professional. Thus, knowledge of how to conduct an advance is often one of the top questions managers...

The Medical Mindset and How It Benefits EP Agents

As the world continues down an uncertain path, the demand for executive protection and private security is rising. In addition, recent events have raised the bar of what is now expected by EP clientele. In fact, having more to...

How to Start an Executive Protection Business

If you are somebody looking to provide clients with exceptional security services and want to know how to start an executive protection business, keep reading. For one thing, the opportunities to start an EP business have never been greater as...

What Is Executive Protection? Outlooks on the Future

An increasing number of ordinary people who are worried for their safety want to learn the most effective ways to protect themselves. Many come across executive protection as the new buzzphrase. But what is executive protection? Is it here...

How to Develop Standards in Executive Protection?

As the famous quote asserts, "Without standards, there can be no improvement." For some time, protection professionals have recognized the security industry was void of consistency and in dire need of standards in executive protection. This is not to suggest...

Personal Protection Companies: How They Create Peace of Mind

Personal protection companies and their services have become more necessary than ever before. In this challenging and volatile world, the need for top-notch security is increasingly important, requiring adept individuals who take protection seriously.   What’s more, the threat spectrum encompasses...

Why is Executive Protection Important to an Organization

Let’s break it down and dive deep into what concerns those receiving protective services, i.e., principals. In other words, why is executive protection important to an organization?     The reasons why these services ring vital are many and increasing in number....

How to Measure Security: We Got It All Wrong

It's an accountant's world, and we're the reason they're running out of red ink. Or at least that's the story we've been told since Allan Pinkerton was breaking into the industry. This is the rub of a unique and...

Mark Zuckerberg Security Costs Rise to 26.8 Million

We have always known that the world's wealthy, famous, and successful have paid big money to protect themselves, their assets, and their families. More recently, an SEC filing revealed that the Mark Zuckerberg security costs rose to a staggering...

Why Clients Sometimes Prefer Female Executive Protection Officers

Is the woman that just exited the restaurant with a well-known business executive — a personal friend, the children's nanny, or an administrative assistant? You might be surprised to learn that many females in the company of businessmen and VIPs...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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