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Things you should know

The Evolution of American Executive Protection and the Advance and Conflict Models

Historical reference in any endeavor is the key to overcoming past mistakes and preventing future missteps. That holds true even more so in Executive Protection where the “Zero Fail” mission is the basis for all operations. The professional history...

Interview with Jerry Heying: The Benefits of Traditional EP Training

Jerry Heying is a highly respected figure in the field of EP with over 40 years of experience in protective services. He is the CEO of the Executive Protection Institute and IPG and is a member of several prestigious...

Xylazine: What Security and EP Specialists Need to Know

You've seen it in most downtown areas — viral films of people acting strangely or remaining in awkward positions for extended periods. It’s no longer just Fentanyl we need to worry about, there is a new substance called Xylazine...

Essentials: Report Writing for Executive Protection and Security Professionals

Investigative reports are an essential component of journalism, law enforcement, and security and other areas that involve uncovering and documenting information. The purpose of these reports is to provide accurate, objective, and comprehensive information about a particular subject or...

EP Evolution: CIIRM and the Importance of Language in Defining a Profession

There are many names for our profession: executive protection, protection of public officials, celebrity security, VIP protection, Protective Security, Close Protection, etc. For some, these are synonymous; for others, they indicate entirely different professions, which comes along with intense...

Saving Principals from Themselves

Principals, along with their family, friends, guests, and acquaintances, encompass as much diversity in personality as the threats, which executive protection agents protect against.  Ironically though, there are some principals that go against their protective detail leaderships’ protocol and...

Executive Protection in India: Interview with Varun Kareparambil

Protection of high-profile individuals and executives is a delicate and crucial task, especially in a rapidly evolving world where threats can come from unexpected sources. Executive protection in India, with its rich history and diverse cultural landscape, has its...

Investigative Interviews – A Refresher for Investigators

Whether you are interviewing a suspect, witness, or victim, let us review some basic reminders to make your investigative interviews more productive and successful in obtaining factual and truthful information. To start understanding yourself. Check your personal biases and prejudices at...

The Use of Narcan in Executive Protection

With the rising number of deaths from opioids, there is an urgent need to expand the use of Narcan. It has become a vital tool in fighting an epidemic of opioid addiction. In addition, increasing access to this antidote...

6 International Business Travel Safety Tips

Traveling to international locations can be an exciting and fruitful experience for the principal. However, it can also carry certain risks that you should consider in order to ensure a safe, secure trip. Fortunately, we will present you with...

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Insider Risks and the Evolving Role of Executive Protection Professionals in Cybersecurity 

Insider risks have long been a critical concern in corporate security, traditionally encompassing threats from employees, contractors, or third-party...

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