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Expert Writing

EP Industry Networking: The Professional’s Guide

Many would-be executive protection specialists have taken the inconvenience and expense of investing in formal education at a college or university. Alternatively, they have partaken in a long-term training program or perhaps served in the armed forces or police...

The Missing Element: Mentoring in Executive Protection

I’ve been working in the field of protection operations and training for over two decades now. While a lot of it has been on the public sector side, I do have a significant amount of experience in the private...

Does Your Protective Intelligence Program Come Full Circle?

Often, we may believe that having a protective intelligence program is the key to preventing unthinkable acts of violence. But, actually, it's just the engine that refines all the raw data that goes into your intelligence program. So, hopefully,...

The Human Complexities of Executive Protection

Recently, Elon Musk hosted Saturday Night Live. During his opening monologue, he publicly admitted he has Asperger's Syndrome on live TV. I applaud Musk for coming forward with this admission as it can help open the dialogue with others...

What It Means to Be an Executive Protection Professional

These days, it seems that anybody who has partaken in a two-week course in a classroom or disused car park is calling themselves a CPO, an executive protection professional, or an EP specialist. I receive resumes daily. And sadly, the...

Circles of Security: Misconceptions and Applications

Industry specialists sometimes think of them as a surefire way of protecting the principal. And yes, many justifiably revere circles of security as one of the best protection systems in EP. We at EP Wired couldn't agree more. As a matter...

High-Risk Environments with Robert Currie

We sat down with Robert Currie – owner and founder of RC Advisory Services and security consultant to many companies – to discuss high-risk environments, covert operations, armored transport, and more. You have traveled the world, delivering services in countries...

Undercover Risk: Insider Threat and Executive Protection

By: Charles Randolph, PPS & Chuck Tobin, CTM The executive protection community often reflects on the value we bring to our principals and those that surround them. External observers sometimes view our industry as narcissistic and egotistical operators pining to...

Foreign Travel Security and the Personal Security Protective Detail

Today’s VIPs, CEOs, and executive leaders live a life of frequent air travel often hopping from continent to continent. They could be doing it to represent their organizations, maneuver their interests, and, at times, just to unwind. Bill Gates made...

Unplanned Events and High-Value Assets in EP

Preparing for Non-Attributable Collateral Crises and High-Value Assets Many years ago, I was supervising a team of U.S. Intelligence Community officers confronted with the realization that one of our critical human informants was caught in the crosshairs of a drug...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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