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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was so much erroneous and outrageous response to the recent aircraft collision between the US Army Helicopter and a commuter aircraft...

Insider Risks and the Evolving Role of Executive Protection Professionals in Cybersecurity 

Insider risks have long been a critical concern in corporate security, traditionally encompassing threats from employees, contractors, or third-party vendors with access to sensitive information. However, as digital transformation accelerates, the convergence of physical and cyber threats has created...

Interview with Daniel Weil on Security Driving, Armored Vehicles, and More

Could you share insights on how your experience in the IDF Special Forces shaped your approach to security driving and vehicle-related operations? Firstly, military service develops your general security perception. You develop an understanding of the situation and constantly train...

Satellite Phones Explained: How, Where, and When to Use Them

Satellite phones have countless different applications, from remote travel, and expeditions, to protection, security, and more. They’re an invaluable tool in any executive protection kit and knowing when, why, and how to use them can make or break your...

The Pararescuemen: A Lifeline in Executive Protection

The sun was setting on the Mediterranean, casting a golden glow over the harbor as a superyacht floated serenely in the distance. An executive, pressed for time and eager to avoid the logistical maze of traditional travel, had opted...

Corporate Security Responses to Organized Protest Activity 

Protest activity has always been an effective force for social change, often challenging the status quo and raising awareness for a wide range of issues.  It has also been destructive when peaceful assembly moves into confrontational gatherings.  In recent...

How Security Professionals Can Play a Key Role in Reducing Violence Against Women  

Today’s security professionals carry immense responsibilities. They are entrusted with safeguarding the public, protecting events and infrastructure, managing hostile individuals, and mitigating the risks of terror attacks.  One responsibility that often receives less emphasis, however, is ensuring the safety of...

You Hold the Ace

For the last 20 years, I have trained thousands of people. My training has been narrowly focused on protection. Protection from violence and how to use violence. In that number of students, there are police officers, FBI Special Agents, FBI support...

Executive Protection – The Slippery Slope

Written by Tibi J Roman Are the following scenarios acceptable as an executive protection professional, specifically for a bodyguard?  Holding an umbrella for an executive/VIP Picking up the VIP’s morning coffee (i.e.Starbucks) so that it's waiting for the executive...

The Word “NO” and Other Important Executive Protection Lessons

I’ve read several online articles over the last few weeks outlining Executive Protection leadership models, protection “secrets” and AI-written EP management models (yes, we know you use AI to write articles).  I thought it might be refreshing to discuss...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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