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Enterprise Security Risk Management and Executive Protection

Enterprise Security Risk Management (or ESRM) is a security program approach that helps raise the profile of security. To put it simply, it occurs by linking security activities to an enterprise's mission and business goals. This occurs through various...

Back-To-Back Shootings: Deadly Tragedy Strikes California

In less than 48 hours, back-to-back shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay have left the state of California reeling from one of its bloodiest waves of gun violence in decades. The latest spasm of a bloody massacre left...

The Use of Narcan in Executive Protection

With the rising number of deaths from opioids, there is an urgent need to expand the use of Narcan. It has become a vital tool in fighting an epidemic of opioid addiction. In addition, increasing access to this antidote...

6 International Business Travel Safety Tips

Traveling to international locations can be an exciting and fruitful experience for the principal. However, it can also carry certain risks that you should consider in order to ensure a safe, secure trip. Fortunately, we will present you with...

Understanding the Importance of Event Security Services

Every year, numerous music events and conferences take place around the world, with many high-profile individuals in attendance. However, many event organizers fail to institute proper medical and safety measures before the happening. In this article, we discuss the importance...

Reflections on the World Cup Doha

Earlier I wrote a short article on my team's preparations for taking our client to the World Cup in Doha. So I thought I would follow up on some reflections and lessons learned. Cyber One of the big things we went...

Year-In-Review: Medical Advance in 2022 and More

As 2022 comes to an end, I've made it a habit to reflect on the events of the past year that affect or may alter my professional career. As a physician working in the emergency room and a medical...

A Reflection on the Security Industry 2022

Looking back over the last year (or two), the biggest obstacle was the impact of Covid. Not just in our industry — but the world. To that effect, let's quickly review the security industry in 2022. First was the impact...

Timeless Close Protection Skills — Part 2

This is the second article in a two-part series on close protection skills I'm writing for EP Wired. Justice Stoic justice or treatment of others and yourself just means how we treat others despite their words or actions. So, as EP...

Press Release: EP Wired Sponsorship

EP Wired has been delivering top-notch industry news and articles for the past two years. Now, we are happy to announce our sponsorship program to boost your marketing efforts and help you get greater exposure to clients and decision-makers worldwide! If...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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