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High Threat Executive Protection Training That Makes Sense

Must Read

We know what you thought when you read the article’s title. High threat executive protection? Really? Is there something nonthreatening about EP? And we hear you. High threat executive protection training entails surveillance detection, tactical medical considerations, and security advances, to mention a few.

It’s rough out there. In some places, more so than others. If you are traveling with your principal more than you are staying in your home country, you aren’t alone. Many executive protection agents have assignments abroad. And most of these trips involve countries like Iraq, Mexico, Afghanistan, Beirut, and other places with an elevated risk.

Yes, things can be challenging even if you live in a developed western country, although not nearly as much. Still, we’ll leave that for another article.

In this one, we’ll do a deep dive into high threat EP training that makes sense. And by making sense, we mean practical training that counts for something in your life as an executive protection specialist.

What’s There to Learn

Some people who are just starting out in the industry may have difficulty adopting all the terminology. And we can’t blame you if you are in the same basket as them. For this reason, we’ll try to go easy on you.

So, what does high threat EP training entail? We are glad you asked!

Here are the foundations:

  • Avoidance, mitigation, and response for kidnapping,
  • Principles of protection and anatomy of a protective detail,
  • Methods and vulnerabilities: terrorist, kidnapper, assassin,
  • Security advances: route and site surveys,
  • Vehicle basics, armored vehicle characteristics, team placement,
  • Tactical medical considerations and gear,
  • Appropriate etiquette, professionalism, protocols, and complacency,
  • Route planning and mission preparation,
  • Safe driving in hostile environments.

We are sorry, but this wasn’t an exhaustive list of what high threat EP training comprises. However, it’s enough to jump-start your career and make yourself known.

Pro tip: Look for seasoned instructors with a track record as protection agents who practice what they preach. They should be able to walk you through the whole process, from evaluating threats and arranging resources to attack recognition and response.

The Cost of High Threat EP Training

All things have a beginning and an end. We would add to that: and probably some cost. The same goes for high threat security training. Depending on the coaching company you want to approach and the sessions’ content, here are some approximate prices.

For a two-day defensive, evasive driving program, you would have to pay around USD1,500. This training course should entail the following skills and topics:

  • Vehicle checks, equipment, and emergency preparedness,
  • Accident avoidance, swerving-to-avoid obstacle, and emergency braking,
  • High-speed vehicle maneuvers, skid control, and lane changes,
  • Sedan and SUV evasive maneuvers and concepts,
  • Vehicle types and other considerations.

Learning how to drive and predict potential threats has become second nature for many EP professionals.

On a different note, protecting your client isn’t all about inflicting damage. Actually, most of the EP work focuses on preventing the attack from happening in the first place. And even if an attack does occur, you should be aware of how to mitigate the consequences.

Enter protective medical response training course. This practical training should teach you how to respond to dangerous situations when an attacker causes injuries. Or even if something is wrong with your principal’s health all of a sudden.

high threat executive protection training
Source: Picryl

You probably guessed that it’s up to you, the EP agent, to provide immediate assistance.

So, here are the things you should be looking for in a medical response course:

  • Diabetic emergencies, shock, stroke, heat or cold injuries, poisoning,
  • Treating a point of wounding, including massive bleeding, airway, circulation, respiratory, hypothermia,
  • Emergency response readiness, equipment selection, and evacuation during protective operations,
  • Adult and pediatric first aid, CPR, and AED certification.

Pro tip: Make sure you get all your training from certified training companies, such as the Executive Protection Institute and Executive Security International.

The Essential Conflict Skills in EP Training

Although EP isn’t always about guns and muscle, sometimes you will have to react appropriately. That’s what you learn in any premier executive protection course. In this sense, here are the core aspects that a training course of this sort should involve:

  • Proper gear selection and placements, including the basics of ammunition and ballistics,
  • Full-spectrum conflict resolution course,
  • Right stance, grip, and draw from the holster,
  • Speed reloads, immediate and remedial action,
  • Sight alignment, trigger control, and recoil management,
  • Shooting on the move and atypical shooting positions,
  • Exercises in case of attacks on principal and principal extraction,
  • Hand-to-hand, hand-to-knife, knife-to-firearms combat.

The cost of a training that would entail all these aspects shouldn’t exceed USD1,100. Indeed, if it requires spending more than USD2,000, you ought to know they are ripping you off.

But before you begin shooting, do you know what you should learn about first? That’s right. You must prioritize advance concepts and preliminary assessments. They make all a difference for both the security team and the executive you are protecting.

Simply put, we deliver to you on a plate the core concepts of an executive protection training program:

  • Protective intelligence and preliminary assessments,
  • Designing and implementing a protective detail,
  • Advance concepts and route selection,
  • Protective perimeters and layering concepts,
  • High, low, and no profile protection,
  • Choreography and formations,
  • Covert protection concepts,
  • Pre-attack indicators and behavioral analysis,
  • Live advance and protective detail exercises,
  • State licensing and insurance.

As soon as you cover all these aspects, you are on your way to becoming an executive protection agent everybody wants to work with.

Final Remarks on High Threat Executive Protection Training

This article detailed everything you need to know about high threat EP training, and we hope it was worth your time. Actually, EP agents are known for being busy and rushed. They always have something to do, prepare for a detail, speak at a conference, or enroll in courses.

In a nutshell, they have no time to lose. If you are among them, thank God you got us to supply you with bite-sized lessons and in-depth resources.

To continue perfecting your knowledge in this area, read Terrorism and Airport Security – A Short Guide or Best EP Training. Actually, read them both.

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