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Road Rage Cases Are Piling Up

Must Read

From time to time, many people express road rage, but none of those reasons are worth risking your life or the lives of others. Full stop.

Astute driving equals safe driving!

More people than ever before let their emotions get the best of them; while out on the road. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), aggressive behaviors make the road more dangerous for drivers and passengers. Road rage encompasses any aggressive behaviors caused by motorists, including:

  • Verbal abuse,
  • Threats,
  • Criminal damage, and
  • Physical violence.

For this reason, the AAA recommends that if you see someone driving aggressively, it’s best not to respond to them.

The video above shows the gentleman beginning to maneuver in and out of traffic after verbally assaulting the passengers filming the incident. As a consequence of not paying attention to his surroundings, he quickly cuts in front of the driver ahead; they both swerve violently.

While such an event can happen to the best of us, it’s vital to stay attuned when driving. Keep your wits about you and safely operate the vehicle, i.e., give others a wide enough berth and be ready to react and take action. That’s why a security-trained driver understands how important situational awareness is.

Why Is an Executive Protection Driver Better Than Just a Driver?

The benefits of a security-trained driver extend well beyond their ability to utilize a vehicles performance capabilities. For one thing, executive protection drivers typically engage in pre-mission planning, helping them to avoid risks in the first place.

Statistics reveal that over 85 percent of attacks on execs occur in or around a transport vehicle. And that means you can’t rely on just anyone for safe ground transport.

Because security drivers are trained to be aware of their environment, they are prepared to drive out of a dangerous situation using the full potential of the vehicle’s capability. Granted – a client may spill coffee in the process, but the driver is sure to get them out alive.

Having a security-trained driver is one safety precaution to avoid a fate such as in the video.

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