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Expert Writing

Networking in EP: The Long-Game Mentality

This is a story on gradual networking and how it worked for me. Though it isn’t an EP-specific success story, it’s a great example of how it can REALLY work. We were sitting there in the President's office of the...

How to Develop Standards in Executive Protection?

As the famous quote asserts, "Without standards, there can be no improvement." For some time, protection professionals have recognized the security industry was void of consistency and in dire need of standards in executive protection. This is not to suggest...

When Is a Death Threat a Real Threat?

In an increasingly interconnected and yet polarised world, in which the economy is in decline and the cost of living in many regions increases, it will be big business that the media blame. This blame culture in which the...

The Case for Personality Assessments in Executive Protection

When it comes to hiring executive protection or security professionals, employers have much to consider today than in years past. To start, they need to ensure a candidate has the proper qualifications and skills to fill the open position....

Real-Life Scenarios in EP: Celebrity Protection

The second industry expert we invited to share his experience in split-decision making is Anton Kalaydjian. With 20 years of experience in celebrity protection, Anton gives us a 360-degree look at some of the most challenging real-life scenarios he...

How Situational Awareness Enhances Protective Operations

Some essential skill sets in the protective operations world do not get as much attention as others. To be effective in protective operations, protection personnel must be students of situational awareness, systematically observing and assessing their environment. The ability to...

Effectiveness of Firearms in Executive Protection

There has been a lot of discussion on the effectiveness of firearms in executive protection. For many protectors, as well as for protectees, guns are synonymous with protection. In addition, they appear to be an indispensable requirement for exercising...

Emergency Medical Services: The Game is Changing, It’s Not Just Security

In the last few years emergency medical services and hospital services are feeling the crunch of COVID. During this time Medical Professionals have been retiring or leaving the field secondary to the pandemic, and many clients are requesting security personnel...

Executive Protection Gear List: The Top of the Line

Over the years, the executive protection gear list has only become longer. Thus, the rapid accumulation provides little reason to support the claim that the security professional's toolkit will reduce in volume any time soon. So, what can you do...

Are You a Soft Target? Here’s How to Find Out 

Whether at home, work, or play, it's easy for a busy executive to remain blind to all manner of risks and threats. Yet, just because you don't see a threat doesn't mean it's not there. Security professionals refer to...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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