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EP Industry

We’ve Had Active Shooter Survival Training. Now What?

Active shooter survival training provides the tools and skills necessary to increase the odds that you'll be able to walk away from a vicious and violent attack with your life intact. For example, the ALIVE Active Shooter Survival program teaches...

High-Value Personnel: Identifying and Mitigating Behavioral Dispositions

Since leaving the U.S. Government, people have asked me many times what it was like to protect high-value personnel (HVP) resettled in the United States due to their cooperation and involvement in U.S. Government national security programs. The answer is...

The Value of Intelligence in Corporate Security

Corporate Intelligence Programs Offer a Rare Opportunity to Be Strategic It’s surprising how often senior managers in Corporate Security take for granted that their people are working the right angles and executing in the best interest of the firm. When...

EP Access: The First Online Platform for EP Training

Executive protection professionals can now receive quality training from sought-after experts without leaving home. EP architect and industry thought leader Christian West has just launched EP Access, the first online training platform for executive protection professionals. The new learning platform...

The Pandemic and Hotel Security

Please note, this is not, in any shape or form, an opinion piece on the severity of COVID-19 or the health recommendations surrounding it. From every situation, there are always lessons to be learnt. In this article I want to...

Christian West Interview: The EP Industry and Career Planning

In an interview with EP Wired, executive protection architect and entrepreneur, Christian West shares his experience and insights honed over more than two decades in the industry. Find out what the future holds for the EP industry and for...

Executive Protection in Australia with Troy Claydon

We sat down with Troy Claydon, paramedic and managing director at Panoptic Solutions, for an insightful chat on executive protection in Australia, and the role of medical assistance in EP. In recent months we have seen an uptick in demand...

Marketing tips for Executive Protection Agents

Perception is everything, protect yourself, and build your reputation on solid ground. *These are part of a panel of personal opinions on marketing tips for executive protection agents formulated from my experience in the industry as an EP agent, business...

Digital Profiling for Close Protection Officers

One of our most frequent client requests is to conduct a digital profiling service against both executives and their families. This uncovers exactly what information someone can find about them online. Even the most privacy-conscious individuals can be surprised at...

Online Active Shooter Survival Training vs Training In-Person: Which Is Best for You?

Active shooter survival training provides many benefits. First, it helps you better understand individuals most at risk of committing this type of offense so you can more easily recognize early warning signs. It also teaches you the actions to...

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Interview with Daniel Weil on Security Driving, Armored Vehicles, and More

Could you share insights on how your experience in the IDF Special Forces shaped your approach to security driving...

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