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Ethics and Standards in Executive Protection

Ethics is crucial in the executive protection industry. This industry is responsible for protecting high-profile individuals, such as executives, politicians, and celebrities, who may be at risk of physical harm, kidnapping, or other forms of danger. As such, the...

The Need for Higher Ethical Standards in EP

We had the pleasure of speaking with Michael Julian, a highly experienced executive protection and security professional. With a career spanning over three decades, Michael has worked in various capacities in the industry and has been recognized for his...

EP Evolution: CIIRM and the Importance of Language in Defining a Profession

There are many names for our profession: executive protection, protection of public officials, celebrity security, VIP protection, Protective Security, Close Protection, etc. For some, these are synonymous; for others, they indicate entirely different professions, which comes along with intense...

Saving Principals from Themselves

Principals, along with their family, friends, guests, and acquaintances, encompass as much diversity in personality as the threats, which executive protection agents protect against.  Ironically though, there are some principals that go against their protective detail leaderships’ protocol and...

Solo-Protection: The Ins & Outs of the Solo Protection

Part 1: Myths and Facts First off, let me dispel myths from facts. Myth number one: solo protection is like the movie "Man on Fire" or any other movie that portrays protectors as action heroes. Fact number one: The one...

Executive Protection in India: Interview with Varun Kareparambil

Protection of high-profile individuals and executives is a delicate and crucial task, especially in a rapidly evolving world where threats can come from unexpected sources. Executive protection in India, with its rich history and diverse cultural landscape, has its...

Executive Protection Beyond 2023

I entered the security industry in 2007 as a police officer. Over the last few years I have noticed some positive changes. Not everything will change, there are a lot of basics that don’t need change, a few things...

What To Expect With Private Executive Protection 

In today’s ever-evolving world, executive protection has become increasingly important. As organizations expand and operate in an environment with higher risks, executives need to be secure at all times. This is where private executive protection services come into play.  In...

Introduction to Executive Protection Books: EP Booklet

If you have been part of the industry for a while, you probably know of numerous executive protection books that go in-depth on big-picture EP. So much so that experienced and emerging practitioners may sometimes lose sight of the...

Why is Executive Protection Important to an Organization

Let’s break it down and dive deep into what concerns those receiving protective services, i.e., principals. In other words, why is executive protection important to an organization?     The reasons why these services ring vital are many and increasing in number....

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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