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Corporate EP programs

Circles of Security: Misconceptions and Applications

Industry specialists sometimes think of them as a surefire way of protecting the principal. And yes, many justifiably revere circles of security as one of the best protection systems in EP. We at EP Wired couldn't agree more. As a matter...

CEO Protection: The Benefits of EP

CEO protection is unquestionably a priority that concerns the entire C-suite and organization involved. So let's consider the many benefits of EP. After all, it's not a question of whether these high-profile and high-net-worth individuals need executive protection. But more...

High-Risk Environments with Robert Currie

We sat down with Robert Currie – owner and founder of RC Advisory Services and security consultant to many companies – to discuss high-risk environments, covert operations, armored transport, and more. You have traveled the world, delivering services in countries...

Unplanned Events and High-Value Assets in EP

Preparing for Non-Attributable Collateral Crises and High-Value Assets Many years ago, I was supervising a team of U.S. Intelligence Community officers confronted with the realization that one of our critical human informants was caught in the crosshairs of a drug...

Facebook Spends More than USD 31 million on Personal Security for Zuckerberg and Sandberg in 2020

According to a report issued by Protocol, Silicon Valley tech giants spent approximately USD 46 million to protect their C-suite. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is at the top of the list of the highest personal protection costs...

The 3Ps for Executive Protection and Residential Security

You will consider this blog to be very low speed in terms of the tacti-cool factor. Yet, I guarantee it will be very high on the ROI factor for teams moving up on the maturity level scale of their...

Corporate Security Services in Asia-Pacific with Martin Franks

We got together with Martin Franks, Executive Director of Salama Fikira's Asia-Pacific chapter to discuss corporate security services, recruitment, one taxing operation, and some exciting industry advice. Your company, Salama Fikira, operates in three areas, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe. How...

CEO Protection Considerations That Do Wonders

Often called CEO, the Chief Executive Officer is the highest-ranking person responsible for making managerial decisions in a company or institution. The public and the firm's workers tend to ascribe godlike talents to them all the time. Thus, CEO...

What Is a Red Team and Do You Need One?

Red teaming is applicable in airport security, intelligence agencies, cybersecurity, and the military. It is the method of rigorously challenging policies, systems, plans, and assumptions by fostering an adversarial approach. Hence, a red team is a group that puts...

The Value of Intelligence in Corporate Security

Corporate Intelligence Programs Offer a Rare Opportunity to Be Strategic It’s surprising how often senior managers in Corporate Security take for granted that their people are working the right angles and executing in the best interest of the firm. When...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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