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Expert Writing

Being Kidnapped

If you are caught in a kidnapping or hostage situation the most dangerous time will be is the first ten to fifteen minutes as the kidnappers will be very nervous and will have to let everyone know they are...

EP Operations: The Answer to Every Question You Don’t Ask

Several years ago I was listening to an audiobook on business that had this one piece of advice: the answer to every question you don’t ask is always no. To this date, I can’t remember the name of the...

Combatives Training for the Protection Professional

For the past few years, I have noticed a trend in the executive protection world for practitioners to become more and more focused on their soft skills. Now, no one can overstate the value of soft skills. But at...

EP Services in Africa – The Ins and Outs with Daniel Weil

In an exclusive interview with EP Wired, Daniel Weil, CEO of SCS Solution and the Chairperson of ASIS Int. - Israel Chapter, shares some of his company’s experiences in providing EP services in Africa. Does practice differ there when compared...

Confidentiality: This is NOT about you!

Recently, a young lady, new in the industry, raised a question on a social platform questioning the practice of, or if it is acceptable for, people in our industry dropping clients’ names in public. Surprisingly, many people who took part...

Women in Executive Protection — The Battles & Benefits

It’s no secret that there are fewer women in executive protection than men. Women aren’t often advised to take up security roles, which is why there’s such a huge gap. But with the demand for female EP agents being...

The Perils of Recruiting in the Security Industry

Algorithms and software programs can screen for certain attributes and keywords on security professionals resume submissions. However, to get the best and most qualified candidates for a particular security position, you need a human being screening the resumes. One who...

What causes (secure) behaviors and how can they be influenced?

A key focus of (travel) security programs is to raise awareness of the challenges and issues travelers may face, and to share knowledge on how to mitigate those risks. However, raising awareness is only the beginning. What we really...

How do I get started in the EP industry?

Often I get asked from people "how did you get started in the EP industry?" or "what does it take to do this job?". So, I thought I would answer that question with posting the first chapter of a...

Residential Security: More Than Just Preparing For Unwelcome Guests

As professional risk management consultants, we are often tasked with estate security for clients. This can range from providing a risk assessment and recommendations to providing comprehensive solutions for the property and those residing there. This can be both...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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