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EP Industry

Foreign Travel Security and the Personal Security Protective Detail

Today’s VIPs, CEOs, and executive leaders live a life of frequent air travel often hopping from continent to continent. They could be doing it to represent their organizations, maneuver their interests, and, at times, just to unwind. Bill Gates made...

Unplanned Events and High-Value Assets in EP

Preparing for Non-Attributable Collateral Crises and High-Value Assets Many years ago, I was supervising a team of U.S. Intelligence Community officers confronted with the realization that one of our critical human informants was caught in the crosshairs of a drug...

CPP Operators and Running Orange Lights

CPP Operators are driving a 'chase car.' They are close behind the Primary Vehicle providing direct cover and line-of-sight protection for the vehicle and its occupants. At one point, despite the best driving techniques, they find themselves 50 meters...

The 3Ps for Executive Protection and Residential Security

You will consider this blog to be very low speed in terms of the tacti-cool factor. Yet, I guarantee it will be very high on the ROI factor for teams moving up on the maturity level scale of their...

Red Flags in EP

Red flags in EP have become something of a commonplace in not only the protection field but also in training offered in private organizations. Many organizations have training modules regarding insider threats and what red flags to look for...

Dr. Mary Beth Wilkas Janke: Women in Security Breaking the Glass Ceiling 

1. After a successful career in protection, you decided to change fields of study and became a psychologist. Was it difficult to make the transition, and how do you think being a former Secret Service agent helps you in...

Leadership in Event Security: Managing Teams Effectively and Productively 

When it comes to leadership in event security, it is the most important factor for the successful outcome of any event. Whether a small, private event with just a handful of guards or a massive music festival or sporting...

Alleged Ties of Haiti Assassination and Miami Security Firm

Some private security companies have a tough time paying debts and declaring bankruptcy. So, when a suitable opportunity arises, they hang on to it. Allegedly, this is what happened during the Haiti assassination, when a group of foreign mercenaries...

Greed in Executive Protection: EP Series on Ethics

Over the next few weeks, I'll touch on some fundamental ethical considerations for creating and maintaining your reputation as a competent and honorable protector. But, for now, let's talk about: Greed in Executive Protection. In the movie Wall Street, Michael...

The Things You Should Know About Covert Operations

According to The Free Dictionary, covert operations are so planned and executed to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor. They differ from clandestine operations, which agencies or individuals perform in secret and that stay...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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