We got you covered.


When is an Executive Protection Proposal Needed?

Putting together an executive protection proposal is necessary when soliciting contracting partners. Especially during the first days of starting a new EP business. Or, if you’re starting a venture as a solo practitioner. At any rate, the use of...

Real-Life Scenarios in EP: Security Assignment Gone Right

Do you count yourself lucky for evading that uncomfortable situation with the principal's fans? How often do you genuinely enjoy a monotonous security assignment during uneventful days? Well, we can say that most people in the industry want to...

Real-Life Scenarios in EP: Last-Minute Kidnap Prevention

In the latest edition of real-life scenarios in executive protection, we bring you a worthwhile read on last-minute kidnap prevention, but not how you think of it! Ivan Ivanovich, an EP expert from Mexico, talks about hostile surveillance, how noticing...

The Rise of Close Protection in New Zealand and the Pacific

In 2014, while speaking with someone at an event, they laughed and asked: Why would anyone need close protection in New Zealand? New Zealand and the rest of the Pacific have often been viewed as an island paradise. Don't get...

360 Site Advance Planning for Executive Protection

If you're in this industry, your site advance game should be strong. Proper application of the advance model identifies you as a professional. Thus, knowledge of how to conduct an advance is often one of the top questions managers...

The Medical Mindset and How It Benefits EP Agents

As the world continues down an uncertain path, the demand for executive protection and private security is rising. In addition, recent events have raised the bar of what is now expected by EP clientele. In fact, having more to...

Putin Assassination Attempt or Security Mistake?

A recent attack on a state leader’s car comes amid allegations of a possible Putin assassination attempt, potential Kremlin insiders claim. The President’s limousine drove away to safety with the state leader unharmed by the whole ordeal.    The incident...

How to Start an Executive Protection Business

If you are somebody looking to provide clients with exceptional security services and want to know how to start an executive protection business, keep reading. For one thing, the opportunities to start an EP business have never been greater as...

What Is Executive Protection? Outlooks on the Future

An increasing number of ordinary people who are worried for their safety want to learn the most effective ways to protect themselves. Many come across executive protection as the new buzzphrase. But what is executive protection? Is it here...

Networking in EP: The Long-Game Mentality

This is a story on gradual networking and how it worked for me. Though it isn’t an EP-specific success story, it’s a great example of how it can REALLY work. We were sitting there in the President's office of the...

Latest News

Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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