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Protecting the Brand As an EP Agent

The safety, well-being, and reputation of the principal are the primary concerns of any good Executive Protection Program. Filled with routine, our days revolve around the principal’s schedule, from early wake-ups to meticulous planning and execution. Generally, working in...

How Ivan Ivanovich’s Book Is Tackling Current Issues

An American tourist has died in the crossfire in an apparent drug deal gone wrong at a popular Mexican beach resort in Tulum. The incident, which took place on February 9th, saw the death of an American tourist, as...

Top Executive Protection Course Recommendations for 2024

Are you ready to get into the exciting world of executive protection? Have you already been in the industry for a while and are looking to level up your skills? If you want to know the best schools to...

Protecting Principals Through Threat  & Health Risk Assessment

Understanding health issues and how they could affect a person's safety is just as important in Executive Protection as evaluating external dangers. In addition to external threats, a thorough threat & health risk assessment should include the inherent weaknesses...

The Dynamic Landscape of “Executive Protection in the 21st Century”

Executive Protection in the 21st Century: A New Vision by Ivan Ivanovich, an executive protection specialist, is still making waves in the industry. More than six months after its release, the (guide)book on executive protection is still being talked...

Executive Protection Trends in 2024

As all protectors know, the landscape of executive protection is always changing. With advancements in technology and global dynamics, professionals in the industry have to stay ahead of emerging trends. In this article, we'll break down the executive protection...

Resilience in Executive Protection: How to Build and Maintain It – Part 3

Resilience – the ability to adapt in the face of significant stress, trauma, and adversity – is a clear path to better mental and physical health and a vital “weapon” in the field of Executive Protection. Resilience in executive...

Importance of Crisis Management and Business Continuity Teams

Just as distracted drivers can cause accidents, businesses must be prepared to mitigate risks and distractions during times of crisis. Issues occurring on the road can be mirrored in the corporate world, emphasizing the importance of crisis management and...

Insider Threat to the Principal – Negligence, Complacent, or Malicious?

Viewing the possible threats or assaults on principals from the outside is only viewing the glass as half-empty.  Granted, outside manmade threat objectives such as but not limited to political, religious, or even intellectual disability, all pose potential hazards...

The Hashshashin: History and Myths

The word "Hashshashin" evokes images of enigmatic assassins lurking in the shadows, carrying out covert missions with deadly precision. These shadowy figures from the history books have captured the imagination of many, but separating historical truth from myth when...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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