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CSO / EP managers

Does Your Protective Intelligence Program Come Full Circle?

Often, we may believe that having a protective intelligence program is the key to preventing unthinkable acts of violence. But, actually, it's just the engine that refines all the raw data that goes into your intelligence program. So, hopefully,...

How Close Protection Tactics Contribute to Avoidable Deaths

Given the growing instability of the world today, the demand for quality CPOs is soaring in some countries. It’s no surprise considering close protection officers are the first line of defense for executive personnel. They implement a range of close protection tactics to take on the ultimate...

What Is Red Teaming and What Are the Benefits?

First, we'll cover the basics and unpack an otherwise loaded question — what is red teaming? The term red team refers to an organized group of authorized persons who simulate a potential cyber-attack to exploit any capabilities that exist and could...

No Security at Kabul Airport? Chaos as People Rush to Leave

Next to no security at Kabul airport is evident as thousands of people surge towards the tarmac in hopes of fleeing this disaster of a zone. They are desperate to leave this tragic mess in Afghanistan that the recent...

What Are the Types of Attacks in Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is not just about safeguarding your company’s entire network. Ignoring the establishment of comprehensive digital security systems leaves your business exposed to devastating operational repercussions in the future. There are different types of attacks in cybersecurity that include,...

The Role of a Corporate Security Guard – More Than Just a Job

Much more than an intimidating look and license to carry a gun goes into making a corporate security guard. Yes, there are minimum standards required to become licensed, and this is important. But, to become a quality security guard,...

What It Means to Be an Executive Protection Professional

These days, it seems that anybody who has partaken in a two-week course in a classroom or disused car park is calling themselves a CPO, an executive protection professional, or an EP specialist. I receive resumes daily. And sadly, the...

Circles of Security: Misconceptions and Applications

Industry specialists sometimes think of them as a surefire way of protecting the principal. And yes, many justifiably revere circles of security as one of the best protection systems in EP. We at EP Wired couldn't agree more. As a matter...

CEO Protection: The Benefits of EP

CEO protection is unquestionably a priority that concerns the entire C-suite and organization involved. So let's consider the many benefits of EP. After all, it's not a question of whether these high-profile and high-net-worth individuals need executive protection. But more...

High-Risk Environments with Robert Currie

We sat down with Robert Currie – owner and founder of RC Advisory Services and security consultant to many companies – to discuss high-risk environments, covert operations, armored transport, and more. You have traveled the world, delivering services in countries...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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