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Future practioners

Undercover Risk: Insider Threat and Executive Protection

By: Charles Randolph, PPS & Chuck Tobin, CTM The executive protection community often reflects on the value we bring to our principals and those that surround them. External observers sometimes view our industry as narcissistic and egotistical operators pining to...

Facebook Spends More than USD 31 million on Personal Security for Zuckerberg and Sandberg in 2020

According to a report issued by Protocol, Silicon Valley tech giants spent approximately USD 46 million to protect their C-suite. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is at the top of the list of the highest personal protection costs...

The 3Ps for Executive Protection and Residential Security

You will consider this blog to be very low speed in terms of the tacti-cool factor. Yet, I guarantee it will be very high on the ROI factor for teams moving up on the maturity level scale of their...

Red Flags in EP

Red flags in EP have become something of a commonplace in not only the protection field but also in training offered in private organizations. Many organizations have training modules regarding insider threats and what red flags to look for...

Dr. Mary Beth Wilkas Janke: Women in Security Breaking the Glass Ceiling 

1. After a successful career in protection, you decided to change fields of study and became a psychologist. Was it difficult to make the transition, and how do you think being a former Secret Service agent helps you in...

Leadership in Event Security: Managing Teams Effectively and Productively 

When it comes to leadership in event security, it is the most important factor for the successful outcome of any event. Whether a small, private event with just a handful of guards or a massive music festival or sporting...

President Zuma in Jail: 75 Killed in South Africa Riots

Former president Jacob Zuma was arrested last Friday, with 75 people killed in the ensuing South Africa riots. Those well-acquainted with the country's history claim that this was its worst unrest since the end of apartheid. Riots derailed the country...

From the Triangle to the Quadrant of Vehicle Security

Any risk analysis begins by setting the context, which leads to defining the criteria and the structures. That is how our safety relationship with tools and technology started. And vehicle security is an inseparable part of it. For example,...

Haiti in Chaos: A Group of Assassins killed Jovenel Moise

Early on Wednesday a group of unknown attackers – described as foreign mercenaries, stormed the presidential residence in Port-au-Prince and killed Jovenel Moise, the President of Haiti. The assailants struck around 1 a.m. and fatally wounded the head of...

Dress Code for the Executive Protection Professional

A colleague's YouTube video has inspired this article. In it, he discusses the importance of the appearance and dress code for executive protection professionals. Those of you who know me personally are aware that this topic is one of my...

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Interview with Daniel Weil on Security Driving, Armored Vehicles, and More

Could you share insights on how your experience in the IDF Special Forces shaped your approach to security driving...

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