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Hard skills

Real-Life Scenarios in EP: Security Driving Training

We invited Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio, one of Mexico's most prominent faces in executive protection, to discuss security driving training. In fact, he shares some of the most eye-opening insights into the everyday skillset that every driver must have! Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio, AS3 Driver...

The Medical Mindset and How It Benefits EP Agents

As the world continues down an uncertain path, the demand for executive protection and private security is rising. In addition, recent events have raised the bar of what is now expected by EP clientele. In fact, having more to...

Security in Latin America with Ivan Ivanovich – EPW Interview

EP Wired sits down with Ivan Ivanovich, Vice President and Partner at WSO – Worldwide Security Options. Ivan is the author of the Amazon bestseller — Protección Ejecutiva en el Siglo XXI, la Nueva Doctrina — which will be...

Emergency Medical Director – EP Wired Interview with Michael Guirguis

In past editions of exclusive EP Wired interviews, we mainly discussed hard security-related skills. However, for this one, we talk to Michael Guirguis, MD, a consultant for corporate security and executive protection teams. We discuss Michael's experience as an...

Security Mentor: EP Wired Interview with William Presson

For a new exclusive interview, EP Wired sits down with William Presson, Senior Manager of Global Protective Services at Oracle. Our interviewee has been active in the corporate EP sector for the past six years – after devoting over...

Operational Fitness in Executive Protection

Recently I wrote a piece for EP Wired about the importance of combatives training for the protection professional and how I felt if you couldn’t protect yourself, you had no business protecting others.  Several months later I was listening to...

Ambush Tactics: Training to Recognize and React

An ambush is a situation where an attacker draws in their target to a pre-determined kill zone. The assailant establishes sources posing a threat to the integrity of the assault well in advance. And so, understanding how planning, preparation,...

Does Your Protective Intelligence Program Come Full Circle?

Often, we may believe that having a protective intelligence program is the key to preventing unthinkable acts of violence. But, actually, it's just the engine that refines all the raw data that goes into your intelligence program. So, hopefully,...

Concentric Circles of Protection in EP

The art of protecting people is much more than dark sunglasses, a black suit, a tie, and an earpiece. As with any security operation, the security professional ― especially in the executive protection sector ― must also rely on...

What Are You Missing About Defensive Tactics and Firearms

Many executive protection professionals don't get to work in teams. Most of the time, they're on their own. Either fighting off star-crazed fans or keeping their protectees safe in a war-stricken country. Whichever your work assignment, defensive tactics and...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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